The first matter
The Prime Materia or First Matter for our stone is a mercurial-sulfur everyone posses in abundance, yet it is hated and despised by all; thought to be the most vulgar and revulting of all substances.
It is the golden liquid we dispose of every day and regard merely as waste - Urine. You must let it putrefy for 2 weeks and seperate out the clear oil and white earth. The white earth is ammonium nitrate and phospate compounds. The urea breaks down and becomes ammonia, then bacteria converts the ammonia into nitrates. When the oil first appears, it is clear and easy to miss if you don't angle the light correctly. It will reflect a raindobow of colors as most oils do. When separated and cleaned, it is then united with the earth and carefully dried into a powder. If too much heat is used, it will explode. This is the unmultiplied true stone of the Alchemists. Proof of this can be found in transmutation. 1 part of our Red Universal Stone will transmute 10 times it's weight of molten lead to gold.
The Discovery
12,000 years ago in what is now the Sahara desert of Africa, there was a man who found a white salt and consumed it for food. It changed him profoundly and he realized what this salt actaully was -- it had formed from his urine; he had found it at the same place he would urinate every day.
But this was only the White Earth, or the White Stone. For thousands of years this secret was kept amoung a few chosen people, and they named their brotherhood the White Brotherhood because of their fascination and obsession with this white powder. Eventually this brotherhood became the Rosicrucian Order. The word Rosicrucian comes from the words ROSI - means dew, and CRUCI means crucible (fire-cup). But to cover that up, they would say it means ROSE and CROSS. This is because they found that when Morning Dew is digested on low heat in a flask, a brownish material forms which then becomes a white powder and is much like the one from Urine. And it can be digested further and become red.
Much later on in history, they discovered a Red Oil could be obtained from putrefied urine. If left in the dark and only exposed to the rays of moon, but never the sun, eventually a colorful clear oil forms on the surface. This is the Peacock's Tail. It turns red after being separated and circulated. This was the material which would become the famous Philosopher's Stone of the Middle Ages. They found that it cured all disease and eventually even tried it on metal to discover that lead (and other metals) can indeed be transmutated into gold. This is where the phrase "Lead to Gold" came from. They weren't searching for a substance that could do that to a metal; they happened upon it by divine coincidence. They simply wanted to see what medicine they might be able to make from metals with this Red Mercury. By heating the metal to red hot and boiling, the red powder would transmute it to gold. But why gold? It is the only element on the periodic table with a right-hand atomic spin. Reverse the spin of any element, and it will become gold.
So they would now unite the White Earth with the Red Oil to form a solid powder which changes your mental functioning so profoundly, they related it to the way lead is changed to gold by this Universal Tincture.
By doing it this way, it becomes imppossible to reveal this secret to anyone because it will just sound like quackery. In these modern times however, a lot of health benifits have been found from substances in the urine, and some go so far as to drink their own urine. Luckily for you, that won't be the case. You don't need to drink this vile waste. You can use pure ammonium nitrate found in bags of "instant cold packs" and you can clean the oil well using plenty of water until it looses it's vulgar odor.
Each alchemist used his own urine to make their own Stone. It sharpens the senses until the Spirits and beings of the Astral Realm become visible. It strengthens the Astral Body until it achieves domination over the physical, and it becomes possible to leave and travel to the 125 billion galaxies of our Universe.
So now you know the secret. Now you will obtain your desire. There is so little written about it that searching the net for "urine" and "the Philosopher's Stone" will turn up only a few documents about the process, and many old alchemy texts that claim it is a waste of time to try and make the stone from urine and such vile things. One document that plainly reveals the process is by a psychic, and another is a copy of a 200 year old letter sent to Sigismund Bacstrom which he never intended to make public and it's still very hard to find. (part of the R.A.M.S manuscripts) Then you have this document here by me. I've placed it here so the secret can be 'findable' by the seekers of our Art. It will remain out of the general public, yet within reach of the dedicated Alchemist.
For as long as the lot of the Philosophers remains a small one, it is far from a happy place.
And though you will see the White Earth forms effortlessly on every occasion, the Oil does not manifest itself every time. You must try again and again through various seasons and temperatures. And perhaps the diet has something to do with it, or perhaps it is dependant on certain astrological alignments in the heavens as the Alchemists have always claimed.
God Bless, and keep the secret...
o Dilute the urine as soon as it's collected. Add twice it's volume of pure distilled morning dew water. Any water will do, but pure distilled Morning Dew will help produce more oil.
o Never add more more fresh liquid after the first day has passed.
o Because you have diluted the urine, you will see a film form on the surface and some of this skin/film will fall to the bottom also. This film is what the oil forms from. Separate it by filteration, then place the paper into clean water and filter again. Repeat this until the film no longer has a vulgar odor.
o Now digest the last water/film solution until the clear oil forms on the surface. Digest further and it becomes red. Evaporate the water until you have only the oil remaining. Be very careful not to evaporate too far or you will begin evaporating the oil itslef. Now while the oil is still warm, add the ammonia nitre. It must be kept warm because the ammonia nitre will want to make it cold by it's reaction with the trace amount of water. Add enough ammonia nitre until you have made crystals.
o Melt the crystals at 350F and be very careful because the ammonium nitrate can explode at this point. Then let it cool and you will have your Stone.
o It is multiplied in power by using the quintessence of Gold.
o Expose the solution only to moonlight and never sunlight. The sunlight or even artifical light will help other bacteria and fungus grow which will impede the work.
o The Urea in the urine decomposes into ammonia, and then bacteria oxidize that into ammonium nitrate which is what precipitates to the bottom of the vessel. This is the white earth you must collect. It is what causes the "pop" or tiny explosion when you throw the stone into molten lead. Without this explosive ammonia nitre, the Oils will not transmute the metals.
Another method:
o Add magnesium chloride to the urine and a precipitant forms which is magnesium ammonium phosphate.
o Clean this precipitant with several washes until it no longer has an odor.
o This material has taken the phosphor normally found in the top oil and combined it with the ammonia found in the white earth.
Shown in the photo to left is Gustav Meyrink (1868 - 1932). He was a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and believed the "prime matter" to be struvite (magnesium ammonium phosphate) which is made by adding magnesium chloride to urine. It precipitates to the bottom as a white salt. Why did he believe this was the prima materia? Most likely because he witnessed it's manufacture and use in the Order and the name of the Order itself is a metaphor for morning urine.
It's interesting to note that during the time he was a member (1889) he also opened a new bank. Perhaps to funnel money from his work with transmutation? It was proven that he was a member of this Order because it's founder, William Wynn Westcott, sent him a letter which remained in his archives. It's also interesting that Westcott is the creator of the Hermitic Order of the Golden Dawn, and yet even he left the Order and made another one, the Stella Matutina. He was also a member of a Rosicrucian society.
The Amoun Temple of the Stella Matutina in London closed its doors in 1919. This was due to two members becoming schizophrenic, one of whom, a clergyman, was later to die in the mental hospital. (Mr. Lenz perhaps?)
How to make the Philosopher's Stone -- powered by
Tips & Warnings:
- For more information I have a website with over 100 photos of my lab work.
- There are a few alchemists who have been doing alchemy for decades and still haven't made the stone because they believe everything alchemy books tell them. And there are far more misinformation books than correct ones. One such person is named Rubellus, and he claims this process won't work and said 'real' alchemists would laugh at this method. Well laugh all you want old man! Real alchemists, or people who've studied alchemy literature will most certainly understand the reality of this method. It is the arrogant people who think they are so well learned who will dismiss this processes as hogwash.
- Make no mistake about it -- this a labor intensive process. It takes a lot of work to make enough of the red oil. The zinc ashes can always be reused by dissolving in vinegar again, and starting the distillations over.
- Don't despair! Don't have a lab or live in a psycho country that doesn't allow citizens to do chemistry? No problem. Soon I will post the method which can be done indoors for those living in apartments, or those who don't want to mess with poisonous zinc and antimony. It is the VITRIOL path of Paracelsus.
- The antimony you use can't be just metal from a store. It needs to be the Star Regulus of antimony because the iron in that process gives it energy. I will have an article posted about how to make it.
- Antimony is poisonous, especially when it's smoking and fuming. This process must not be performed unless you are familiar with distillation and you have a fume hood properly installed.
- Zinc is also poisonous in free ionic form, and that's exactly what form it's in when you distill the zinc acetate. It can cause permanent nerve damage when inhaled. You must make it impossible for the fumes to ever reach your nose. All fumes must exit through the fume hood and not enter into the space of the laboratory.
- Do NOT ingest this tincture unless until you have it assayed to ensure no antimony or zinc is present. All that can be shown on the assay is gold.
- DISCLAIMER: This information is for educational purposes only. Consume tincture at your own risk. I advise you to test it on plants, then on lab mice first to ensure it's safety.

All american pennies from 1982 onward contain zinc coated with copper. Take a file and score open 4 spots around the edges. Do this to 50 pennies, then put them in a gallon of vinegar. After a few days, the zinc will be dissolved, but the copper casing will remain. Filter and save the vinegar. (The pennies should also be cleaned prior to placing them in the vinegar). You can also just buy some zinc; it's pretty cheap. You then will need to evaporate the vinegar. The slower you evaporate, the larger the crystals will be. Using only 100F is hot enough.

Place the crystals in a distillation flask, and heat until a white fog appears. This is acetone and zinc fumes. If you use too much zinc acetate, more smoke will be created than your condenser can handle, so don't use too much at once. It's essential to keep the condensers cold with ice water. The fog will condense into a golden water, and zinc oxide flowers will form on the condenser walls. After it's all done, the zinc in the distillation flask will be ashes, and will smell aweful. Pour the liquid from the reciever flask back into the distillation flask with the zinc, and redistill. Do this several times. Then wash out the condenser and attachment arm with the golden water solvent. You will see a small amount of red oil form on the surface of the solvent. Collect and save this. It is the Philosophical Mercury which dissolves gold without violence. It is red, just like metallic mercury is when in a vacuum like a thermometer. It is the only chemical which dissolves gold, yet can be touched by the human skin without harm. It's a special form of mesityl oxide created by the condenstation reaction of the acetone fumes. This process was originally published in an alchemy book in the 12th century, but wasn't published in scientific texts until the 19th century. That's just all the more proof of what a treasure this was since they kept is secret for that long.

Place some gold leaf in this red Philosophical Mercury oil. In less than 4 hours it will dissolve. Distill out the solvent, and some of the gold will go with it into the receiver. Pour it back into the distillation flask and repeat until all of the gold goes over with the solvent. This volatilizes the gold.
Now distill the out the Philosophical Mercury solvent using very gentle heat of only 120F, and then gold will remain behind as a gum. Take this resinous gum and put it in a fresh clean distillation system, and heat it until it vaporizes and sublimes in the neck of the apparatus. All that sublimes is ready, and all that remains behind must be treated further with the Philosophical Mercury.Step5
MULTIPLICATION:You can dissolve the sublimed gold in alcohol and drink a few drops for a powerful elixir. But to multiply it's power further, you must give it more energy. In this case we will use Antimony which is a magnet of astral energy for the mineral realm. We of course will remove the antimony at the end because it's poisonous, but it's energy will remain with the gold.
DIGESTION:Powder the antimony, and dissolve it with the Philosophical Mercury, then add your gold to the solution. Now digest this solution in low heat (120 to 130F) in a sealed flask for a few hours. You must then separate the solvent from the antimony and gold by distilling it at low temperature, and a gum again remains behind.
SEPARATION:Now you need to get the antimony out. One way to do this is to heat the gum until a white smoke sublimes which is the antimony. With just a little more heat, the gold sublimes, so you must be careful. Sometimes the alchemists would use a hot copper sheet for this purpose. Once you have the antimony removed, you can have the remaining resin assayed to ensure it contains no trances of antimony. If it contains only gold, then you can dissolve it in alcohol to make a tincture.
TRANSMUTATION:The antimony multiplies the power of the stone by 10 fold with each uniting and separation. If you consume anything beyond the first multiplication, it will kill you. Even though the assay shows nothing but harmless gold, the tincture contains energy that will burn and 'fire' the body. After the first multiplication, the 2nd and 3rd, 4th etc. are only good for transmutation of metals to gold.
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